We understand that shopping online can be convenient, but sometimes you need your purchases as soon as possible. That's why we offer a click-and-collect service to our customers, allowing you to shop online and collect your purchases from our physical store at a time that suits you.
Browse our website and add items to your shopping cart as you normally would. When you're ready to check out, you'll be given the option to select click-and-collect as your delivery method.
Once you have completed the checkout process, you will receive an email confirming that your order has been received. Once your order is ready for collection, you will receive another email to let you know that your order is ready for pickup.
Simply come to our store during our opening hours with your order confirmation email and a valid ID. Our staff will assist you in collecting your items and you'll be on your way.
Faster delivery
With click-and-collect, you can avoid waiting for your items to be delivered to your home. You can collect your purchases at a time that suits you, and you can typically collect them within a few hours of placing your order.
No shipping costs
Click-and-collect is often a free delivery option, which means you can save on shipping costs. This can be especially beneficial if you only need a few items or if you live close to our store location.